And the World Stopped….

Loss is hard. Loss of a job, a divorce, the death of a parent, the loss of a child, the passing of a sibling, and on and on and on. For me, and for most people I know, loss is… Read more >
Loss is hard. Loss of a job, a divorce, the death of a parent, the loss of a child, the passing of a sibling, and on and on and on. For me, and for most people I know, loss is… Read more >
“Just because something has happened every day for the last 10 years, doesn’t mean it has to be that way today”…. This summer, very unexpectedly, arrived a wedding invitation from a long lost, very dear friend. At some point because… Read more >
As of late, ok, it happens a lot lately and has happened on and off my adult life, I find my mind spinning on what I call the hamster wheel. For me, it’s a cycle of unproductive thought that creates… Read more >
I’ve been asked 100+ times since that day “how did the Paris Marathon go?” If you haven’t been following along, last May decided to run the Paris Marathon on April 12, 2015. I do stupid things like this every year… Read more >
Recently, my mojo has been missing. It’s been a rough last quarter of the year, and the last month of the year was harder than I was prepared to handle. While I don’t want to belabor it, I think there… Read more >
My college roommate traveled to Japan for the first semester of our senior year. When she came back one of the souvenirs she gave me was a Japanese Wishing Doll or a Daruma Doll. As she gave it to me… Read more >
If you were to ask me about my vision for my life at 10, it might look a lot like it does today. Isn’t that amazing…the clarity you have when adult pursuits cloud your mind and you think that you… Read more >
How do you do it all? I’ve been asked this question a couple times in the last week or so. I admit, I get a lot done. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying “give a busy person something you need done”… Read more >
BigLive Profile: Teri Didjurgis At the age of 40, I disassembled the life I had built for the last 22 years of my life and took off to travel through Europe without much explanation to anyone. Mid-life Crisis… perhaps… but… Read more >
I came down to my office a couple of weeks ago and found this kind gift. It was instantly both touching and inspiring. I have worn it almost every day since. The #BigLife necklace arrived on a day I needed… Read more >