I’m a goal centered person. I like to know what the end is and what success looks like. This mindset is a challenge given the health challenges that have found me. Today I’m thinking about how to shift that mindset. Let me start with…
It’s not easy!
We spend a lifetime honing in on who we are, how we think and what that manifests. We do this with or without intention, but we’re doing it from the time we enter the world. So at age 48, and 10+ years of thoughtful work on personal vision and mastery, a mindset shift is exhausting. I will have these diseases for the rest of my life. They have to fit, somehow.
So how do I take this reality, that I cannot control, and roll it into the life of my vision? I’m still working that out, but I’ve figured one thing out…

I knew week one I needed a count down, a way to mark progress of treatment. Champagne Friday. A pause, a moment of celebration of what is behind us and a look forward for what can be. For me, I look at it as a way to celebrate another week of radiation completed, but maybe I need to switch that paradigm and think about it as a toast to another great week lived. I was reminded of that today when I opened my smile card. A gift given to me by a dear friend and college roommate. Today’s quote:
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
Marianne Williamson
And things are truly good, compared to many others. My big live is mildy disrupted, but I still have a truly good life. So I will toast that today (it’s Friday) and every Friday moving forward.
What are you toasting?
P.S. I’m half way through! 19 more to go!

Cheers! Carry on. You are a pure inspiration.
Given the multiple medical hurdles that I have confronted myself I have learned to be grateful for the continuous eye on my physical well being. If I didn’t have regular scan’s of my brain then abnormal growths could go undetected. The way I have chosen to look at it is that I am grateful for the watchful eye that continues to ensure that there aren’t any unwelcome visitors trying to move in. You’re doing great. Cut yourself a break, girlfriend!! We are beyond blessed.
Thank you Julie. Watchful eye, keeping me healthy. Cheers to you