Blow it up, burn it down and LIVE…

Life emerging Sometimes, when things are blow up and burnt down and destroyed the most amazing things can emerge.

It turns out, destruction is a necessary part of the process. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, or a seedling emerging from a burnt down tree. You can emerge from personal destruction with brighter, better beginnings.

Terrible things will happen, there will be explosions and fires, we will feel blown up and burnt down. It’s up to each of us to choose to emerge from the fire a better, stronger, a more amazing human. It’s not always easy, but vision will help guide us when things feel bad.



Vision is the reason for the fire.

I was sharing a drink and dinner with a friend the other night. Her marriage had recently ended and ended with similar circumstances to my own. They are still friends, it was the right choice for them both, but it’s still hard, feels like failure and is destruction of something she believed in deeply at one point. Boom – explosion in the realization that her marriage was not going to make her happy for her life. Boom – explosion in realizing that her feelings and beliefs had changed. Burning down in the form of divorce, selling of a home and a significant move.For her, and for me, choosing to blow it up, burn it down and emerge moving towards vision has created a bigger life. For both of us, and I know others of you, the only way to live vision is to blow up and burn down a part of life.

For others, there are things that have to change or blow up and burn down to truly realize your vision, and it’s scary. Terrifying really. Blowing up part of your life, that you created, what? But not all our decisions are good ones. And “OK” is not good enough for your life. You can not be complacent, you have one shot at this life. You have to go for it. Live your BigLifeVision!!

Let me ask you this. What is more terrifying, blowing something up that isn’t working today, or living with it for the rest of your life?

A gift from a friend  - thank you

A gift from a friend – thank you

Your choices define your life. Vision will give you the direction to make those choices by defining what you want from life. Vision should inspire you each day to LIVE it.  No one will do this for you, it’s yours, it’s personal. Sometimes vision will identify those things that are getting in the way of you living your vision. Those things you’ll need to decide to change or blow up and burn down. Life takes courage, living vision takes work, but you are worth it. You are worth it everyday.

What’s your vision?


1 Comment

  1. Susan Bacher

    I read this post just after returning from my first trip to see the giant sequoias in California. And I was reminded of their need for fire in order to release their seeds.
    In my life, the challenge of knowing when enough was enough was always the hardest. Recently two dear friends divorced after 24 years.. I advocated for gutting it out for the last several years. And then one day I realized that the joy had been gone from my friend’s eyes for so long.. she deserved to find it again. While the first few months have been hard untangling logistics and shedding many tears, I have already seen a spark in her that she didn’t think possible.


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